Emerging Voices: Wearing Innovation | AIChE

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Emerging Voices: Wearing Innovation

On a day-to-day basis, one of the first things we do when we get out of bed in the morning is decide what to wear for the day. It is one of the ways we express and protect ourselves. Whether it’s moisture-wicking workout clothes for a quick jog or a Gore-Tex rainjacket in case the grey clouds result in a downpour, this process takes only a small portion of your day. Unbeknownst to many, the fashion industry — more specifically, the textile industry — heavily relies on science and engineering, especially for high-tech or performance fabrics. Many of the textiles you wear each day have been engineered or developed in some way by a chemical engineer. Engineers play a vital role in the textiles industry, from well before an article of clothing is stitched together, to what happens at the end of the garment’s lifecycle.

Textile engineering. Starting from the most visible part of the garments we wear, chemical engineers are involved in the engineering and production of textiles, particularly when it comes to developing smart or advanced textiles. These materials have unique properties that make them useful for a variety of applications, including protective clothing, medical devices, wearable electronics, and energy-harvesting systems. Chemical engineers are also leading the development of new dyes and finishes for textiles. They may create dyes that change color based on environmental conditions, such as temperature (thermochromic), light...

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